News Archive

CO2EXIDE at the Sustainable Plastics Symposium
One week before Easter holidays, and after months of diligent preparations, the Sustainable Plastics Symposium was successfully organised by CO2EXIDE and its H2020 partner project Carbon4PUR on March 25, 2021!

World power to x summit
The World Power-to-X Summit was organized from December 1 to December 3, 2020, in a joint effort between the Moroccan Research Institute for Solar Energy and New Energies (IRESEN) and the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), aiming towards the creation of a regional platform, dedicated to Green Hydrogen and its applications within the whole “Power-To-X” (PtX) economy.

Two years of CO2EXIDE development
On 18th/19th The CO2EXIDE project has successfully passed the review process of the European Union that each project funded by the EU has do undergo at its mid-stage. So far, the project has achieved very good results. This feedback from the commission meeting in Brussels was discussed with the project partners at the Month-24 meeting, which took place on the 11th and 12th of December in Gumpoldskirchen, Austria.

Developing reliable policy guidelines
A science-based evaluation of the impact of CO2 utilization technologies is essential to support decision making by both private and public stakeholders. Consistent evaluation tools are thus a prerequisite for creating a supportive policy environment, and will enable such technologies to act as an effective contribution to major challenges such as circular economy and climate targets.

In the framework of the CLIMATE VIGIL & LONG NIGHT FOR THE FAMILIES IN THE ARS ELECTRONICA CENTER (Museum of the future) in Linz, Austria on the 12.07.2019, Prof.Dr. Horst Steinmüller, Head of the Energy Institute at the Johannes Kepler University presented technological climate change mitigation options, whereas a prominent one was the CO2EXIDE approach.

2nd project partner meeting at IGB in Straubing
Just before the summer break, the second CO2EXIDE project partner meeting took place at the 19th of July at the IGB in Straubing, Germany. The partners discussed the starting phase of the project and further steps.

Kick-off Meeting
On 18th/19th January, the kick-off meeting of the CO2EXIDE was held in Brussels to give the initial starting point for partners to work. In the course of the meeting, the workplan and project internal cooperations have been discussed and intensified. At the closure, the working groups were formed.

Project started
CO2EXIDE receives a three-year funding under Horizon 2020, the EU’s research, innovation and societal challenges programme. It is assigned to the SPIRE initiative, which aims at the development of enabling technologies and best practices along all stages of existing large-scale value chain productions that will contribute to a resource efficient process industry.