Developing reliable policy guidelines:
CO2EXIDE at the Global CO2 Initiative and EIT Climate-KIC workshop for the assessment of CO2 utilization technologies in Brussels
A science-based evaluation of the impact of CO2 utilization technologies is essential to support decision making by both private and public stakeholders. Consistent evaluation tools are thus a prerequisite for creating a supportive policy environment, and will enable such technologies to act as an effective contribution to major challenges such as circular economy and climate targets.
As a follow-up to the Standardized Guidelines for Life Cycle and Techno-Economic Assessment of CO2 utilization technologies released in August 2018 by the Global CO2 Initiative and the EIT Climate-KIC, a workshop in Brussels on October 1st 2019 with the title “Towards a common understanding of LCA and TEA for CO2 utilization technologies” was held. Johannes Lindorfer from project partner Energy Institute Linz, Austria participated to share his experience and gather the latest developments of methodological frameworks for up-to-date assessment of the CO2EXIDE technology.