Month-6 Consortium Meeting CO2EXIDE, Germany

Event Details

  • Date:
  • Venue: BioCat

CO2EXIDE LogoMonth-6 Consortium Meeting

at BioCat, Schulgasse 11a, 94315 Straubing, Germany.


Agenda 19th July 2018:

08:30 Registration & Coffee
08:45 Welcome I Fraunhofer
09:00 General Project Management, Questions/Discussion I Fraunhofer
09:30 WP2: Overview,Presentation of work,achievements and outlook I AXIOM
10:00 WP3: Overview,Presentation of work,achievements and outlook I SOTON
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 WP4: Overview,Presentation of work,achievements and outlook I SG
11:30 WP5, 6, 7: Overview, Presentation of work, achievements and outlook I Fraunhofer, SIEMENS, EI-JKU
12:00 WP8: Overview, Presentation of work, achievements and outlook I EPC
12:30 Lunch | short site visit | group picture
14:00 Further “To-Dos”, meeting schedule(s), questions I Fraunhofer, All Partners
14:30 Working Group Session I All Partners
17:00 Closure / End of Meeting I Fraunhofer


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